Monday, February 13, 2012

my movie

Wow! This turned out to be a lot harder than I thought but I hope you guys like it!


  1. Brandi... great job at your first movie! Let me know when you have a chance to add the intro to your speaker and references. =) It was a great experience watching these movies together!

  2. Brandi,
    Floating text was a neat effect! Just the sideways text made me turn me head and I wondered if it would work to have the text go horizontally. Final course artifacts, like our videos and audio podcasts, can also be summative assessment. It is so sad schools don’t allow technology yet, I have seen students labeled with special needs blossom with the use of technology. I thought you could fade your music at the end to make the ending less abrupt.

  3. Brandi- I thought you did a great job for your first time. You included much information on your topic and provided research to back your topic up. Nice job! I had a little trouble hearing parts of your presentation only based on volume. Otherwise, this was a two fold for us- learning about the topic and making a movie.

  4. Brandi, your topic for your presentation was an interesting topic. I believe that K-12 school district as well as statewide assessments are moving toward online assessments. The flowing slides, however, were a little to much for me. I would have preferred a different transitional effect. Overall, you did a great job.

  5. Brandi,
    Congratulation on completing your video. You did a good job with your topic and research. I am glad to see your provided examples of different kinds of assessments. Hopefully, teachers are using a variety of instruments to assess their students' ability especially those students with disabilities. Shannon~

  6. Brandi,
    How are you? You did a great job of providing research to support your topic. I like the way you included the view of a former educator. It is always interesting to hear the views of experienced veterans. The only issue I can recall was the volume, it was low. Overall, terrific job!


  7. Brandi, nicely done and an important topic to many of us. For a first time movie maker, this looks like a well-organized piece. One minor criticism is the music/audio piece at the end. Although it demonstrates your finesse with the movie making program, I’m not certain that it adds anything of significance to the presentation. Again, nicely done.

  8. Brandi,
    You focused on an interesting topic! Your presentation had me wondering about the various online assessments that are available for educators to utilized. Recently I went to a professional development session on using the activeboard and ativote to assess our students mastery of concepts taught. Good Job.
